Thursday, 26 July 2012

Feedback from exhibition

CHUMS!!! hello once more
As you all know I took part in the exhibition at Wysing Arts Centre earlier this year to exhibit my final exhibition piece.

At the end of the exhibition all the young artists commented on our piece as to what they thought. The comments left on my piece are below.

The snowflakes work really well and I like the theme of seasons. Also the layering.

The snowflakes look really nice, I like how these are a backdrop to the chair and lamp and I think the photo of the rose behind on the wall works very well.

The seasons are well represented in the piece and the snowflakes are really pretty and I like them.

I love the way the snowflakes appear to float in mid air and the lamp is absolutely superb!

Very esthetically pleasing, seems cozy and comfy :)

The floating snowflakes are brilliant and I love the layout and positioning of the instalation.

Apparently people liked the snowflakes???
Lovely speaking to you again my chums.
Speak soon

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Feedback on Wysing

As all of you know I took part in the Wysing program for young artists. Part of the arts award requires me to be actively involved in the art world which is, of course, my program at Wysing. During the program I learnt new techniques, met new artists and gained inspiration for future pieces of work. I now have a reference from the program leader which I will use for feedback from my active involvement in the arts world.

Meghan took part in a six month programme, Wysing Young Artists, for 14 - 19 year olds at Wysing Arts Centre between October 2011 and March 2012 including attending a series of monthly workshop sessions with professional artists. During this time Meghan demonstrated an excellent level of commitment to the course and began work on her Gold Arts Award showing strong organisational skills. For their final exhibition Meghan was very inventive with materials and demonstrated her ability to think spatially. A selection of her work was also displayed alongside other young artists work in an exhibition at South Cambridgeshire District Council's Celebrate Arts Showcase and Awards.

Thank you for reading my arty friends
Speak soon

Interview Questions Part II

A couple of posts ago I posted the interview questions kindly answered by Louise Stebbings, the second instalment involves a weaver friend of mine, Melanie Venes.
Melanie has been a weaver for 35 years and a weaving teacher for 40 years. She is incredibly experienced and this is what she had to say.

How long have you had a career as a weaver/teacher?
40 years teaching, 35 years weaving, 25 years teaching weaving.

When did you first realise your passion for weaving and how did you discover it originally?
When I was doing A-levels at school we had an assortment of classes to fill in gaps in the timetable. I was studying needlework & cookery (known at the time as Domestic Science or Home Economics). I understood cloth, so weaving was an obvious choice, especially set against car mechanics or drama. Also, at the time there were local woollen mills and lots of sheep, so I think I was already interested in the process, probably by osmosis.

How did you start off working straight out of college, and then what changed (if any) to make you self employed?
I went directly from teacher training college in 1972 to teach needlework & art in a secondary school. Got sidetracked into special needs (then called ‘remedial education’) so after 3 years moved to a middle school (8 – 12 year olds) to work with ‘under achievers’. Having learned more about weaving through magazines & the London guild, I used weaving and art in the classroom so I changed to part-time teaching in 1981 in order to attend courses. Along the way I picked up Adult Ed. Classes as well as the teaching at Handweaver’s Studio (at one point I was teaching 2 morning, 1 afternoon and 1 evening class plus  3 days a week in a junior school. If there was a course at Handweaver’s as well I’d work 14 days without a break). I resigned from the school in 1995 but continued teaching weaving classes, so I was still an employee until August 2000 when we moved to Norfolk. I became self employed so that I could sell my work as well as teach at home.

Was weaving something you always wanted to do, or was it found through another medium?
I suppose it developed out of sewing skills, but it did seem to come naturally.

Where do you take your inspiration from?
Everywhere! My strongest sense is visual; I have a good visual memory and an interest in surfaces, so that covers colour and texture. I have a great collection of found objects – rusty metal, shells, seed heads, bones – I’ll pick up anything. I love dramatic skies, peeling paint, dried mud and the traces left by the passage of time or people. I also like made objects – particularly, pots, baskets and textiles.

What qualifications have you gained and have they been useful?
I have Certificate of Education (from the days before teaching was an all graduate profession) and the Bradford Diploma in Handloom Weaving.  Both have helped me earn a living.
Only the teacher’s certificate would be considered a recognised qualification, though it wouldn’t help me get a job now. However, I consider the weaving diploma to have been the better educational experience,

 What have you learned from being in business that qualifications did not include?
Neither of my qualifications addressed any aspect of being in business, so I can’t blame them for my mistakes!

Do you take part in any exhibitions and if so where and why – what do you gain from doing so; if not is there a reason you don’t take part?
I do take part sometimes. Usually London Guild WSD, occasionally the Association of Guilds and have been invited for site specific exhibitions such as Salthouse Church. I only submit work I feel is exhibition quality, or has something different to say/show. The Salthouse exhibition ‘Light and Space’ is a good example. I had to work hard developing the initial concept, submitted a proposal which was accepted, then had to make the piece. It was a leap of faith for both myself and the curator, but in that instance it worked and was probably the most successful ‘art’ textile I have made.  I enjoy working to a set theme, but if I don’t have a strong concept, or sufficient time I won’t submit anything. I will not rummage in the back of a cupboard to find a piece of work that will ‘do’.

Do you attend any form of an artists group and if so which and again what do you gain from attendance?
I used to belong to a group organised by the Crafts Council many years ago. I gained a valuable insight into the wider world of craftsmanship at that time - sometimes challenging, but always stimulating. I miss that. A group that I joined here in Norfolk was a poor substitute.
I don’t think of the Norfolk weaving group in quite the same way. It is very stimulating and sometimes challenging, but the focus is on the projects and interests of a small number of people, so by nature the group is more introspective.

For someone starting out in a career in arts, what advice would you give?
It’s a big world out there keep your eyes and ears open, ask questions.
Never pass up an opportunity.

What future plans do you have for yourself and your work?
I’m currently building up my stock for the fair at Wolterton in September. I’m also developing some ideas with a gallery owner. I will be scaling back my teaching from next year, so I hope to spend more time at the loom. There are a lot of weave structures that I haven’t got around to yet, probably because I still get great pleasure out of weaving very simple fabrics. I would like to try my hand at sampling for the industry, most likely interiors rather than apparel, though a friend has just moved into a job in Saville Row, so you never know.

This concludes Melanie's interview questions, I shall be posting again soon.

Review of my arts award pieces

The time has come to review a particular part of my gold arts award; my arts award pieces.
As you have probably seen in my last posts I created four pieces of art for my gold arts award combining textiles, photography and art.
Photography and Art Piece
My Photography/Art Piece
Overall I am pleased with how this piece turned out. I really enjoyed improving my painting skills with this piece and although my painting skills are improved from the start of this arts award I do feel that painting is the one skill that I wish to advance my knowledge in. Going back to the piece, I did really enjoy doing the whole piece and I was truly thrilled when the photo matched up perfectly with my painting.

Textile and Art Piece
My Textile/Art Piece
This was the first of the four pieces I completed. My inspiration came from an art structure within Wysing grounds. I am very pleased with how this piece finished up. This piece was one of those rare occassions when before I started the piece I planned it and formed a picture of the finished product in my head and the finished product has turned out to be almost exactly what I had pictured. I feel that this piece made me realise the potential of felt and how it can be made into art as opposed to a practical thing.

Textile and Photography Piece
My Textile/Photography Piece

This piece was, again, inspired by a tree in the grounds of Wysing. I took this photo in autumn and printed it onto fabric and then embellished/highlighted parts of the tree. What I loved about this piece was turning a simple photo and making it not only a piece of art but something so different from just a 10x6 photo print. The main thing I learnt from this piece was how textile can be encorporated into everything if you look for a way.

The all rounder
The all rounder combining textiles, photgraphy and art.
I enjoyed this piece so much as it combined all three of my favourite art forms in one piece. This piece taught me that any art forms can be brought together in any manner and they will complement each other no matter what.

This now concludes my review, I'll speak soon me old chums.