Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Textile Art Piece

Good news, I have completed my textile art piece.
I started with making the felt in various shades of oranges and reds as I had discussed with you before but when searching through my stack of fleece I came across a orange and red blend with a small amount of white silk. I thought this would be ideal so I have also used along with the oranges and reds planned.
Me felting the felt I need for my TA piece

The finished piece of felt
Now that the felt is done, its time to paint the canvas. I have found a canvas which is roughly a bit bigger than an A4 piece of paper. I have painted it fully red and then used a dry brush to paint highlights with orange.

Then I cut the pieces out of the felt and put them together the way I want them to look. I then put gold paper fasteners in all the visible corners. After putting it on the canvas, my TA piece is done, what do you think.
The finished piece


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