Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Louise Stebbings Art Class

This post is all about the art class I attend with artist Louise Stebbings. (If the name sounds familiar its because she kindly answered the first part of my interview questions, post title Interview Questions Part II.) For two terms now I have been attending an arts class with her on a thursday afternoon.

The art class focuses on drawing and painting skills for beginners. When I started attending this class my knowledge of drawing skills was literally nil. I had always wanted to be able to draw but had never gotten round to learning. After one term working with Louise I had already started to improve and I was happy with where I was after one term. After a second term we had started to work more with paints, pastels and colours yet still improving drawing skills.

I am really enjoying working with Louise, something I want to go onto study at university is textile design and art and design is needed. Improving my drawing skills has really benefitted me now and in the future. I look forward to continuing working with Louise to create an even better portfolio for me to have to apply to uni in the future. The techniques I have learnt from Louise are endless, each week I come away with something else to improve with and she is constantly giving tips on how to improve a piece or how to effectively draw something to make it look right.

If any of you are interested in Louise's work the website address is
On her website is some of her work and the opportunity to attend some of her art classes.

Thats all for now

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