Wednesday, 22 August 2012

How exhibitions have influenced my work

I felt it was time to look back on some of the exhibitions I have visited and think about how what I have seen may influence my work in the future. For start I wanted to talk about the Gabriel Dawe Exhibition I posted about earlier this year. Just to remind you of his style of work there is a photo for you below.
The individual threads installed individually
What I loved most about his work was the colours and how with the volume of threads he had, it played with the light in incredible ways.
Just to show you how the light works
Something I wanted to try after seeing this exhibition was playing with colours and patterns to create different effects. A project I am currently in the middle of is a pair of fire cushions, my aim is to attempt to play with the colours of fire in order for them to blend and create a fire look. I haven't yet warped my loom with it so I shall do a blog post in the future as to how they went and give you some pictures.

Looking at other exhibitions, a basketry exhibition I went to last year was truly amazing. The actual basketry exhibition wasn't particularly inspiring but downstairs I came across gold. 5 original Peter Collingwood pieces, I had never seen any of his work before so to see it was amazing. He cleverly used to use a reed for a loom and cut it into pieces, then at certain points in the weaving he would cross the reed bits over one an other to make stunning pieces. If you wish to find out more on Peter Collingwood then put his name into a search engine and photos of his work will definitely be there.

Seeing Peter Collingwood's work made me want to give his style of work a go. Although I haven't got round to it yet I intend to in the near future, just as soon as I work out how to tackle it. I'll keep you updated on that.


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